babys hand on human palm

The Unseen Sacrifices of a Mother

When Love Guides Tough Choices in Life

Nonita Mole

5/12/20244 min read

When we’re asked who’s the best mother in the world , we will always come up with a different response . Most of us would say the name of our own mother . Because by all means , for most of us they are the best moms . Mothers have their own unique ways to show love , sacrifices, support and strength .

Mother's Day is not just a day to give flowers and gifts, but a day to truly reflect on the impact our mothers have had on our lives. It's a day to express our love, gratitude, and appreciation for all the sacrifices they have made, all the challenges they have overcome, and all the love they have given us.

We have all our motherly stories and each is heroic in its own. But I would like to start with my MOM who raised the 4 sisters MoleSisters.

My mom’s name is Damiana but oftentimes called AMY. She was one of the most beautiful ladies in her town in Batangas City during the 70s. She got long wavy hair, wore dresses and high heals, had long legs, slim body and a nice looking face.She was the youngest girl of 10 siblings of 5 boys and 5 girls . Getting a degree during those years was tough , however my mom managed to get into 2 big universities , Women’s University and University of the East where she finished her degree in Commerce. She used to teach young kids. But being a typical Filipina during that year , she preferred to be a stay home mom when she started giving birth to the eldest which is my Ate Joan.

Mother's Day is not just a day to give flowers and gifts, but a day to truly reflect on the impact our mothers have had on our lives. It's a day to express our love, gratitude, and appreciation for all the sacrifices they have made, all the challenges they have overcome, and all the love they have given us.

We have all our motherly stories and each is heroic in its own. But I would like to start with my MOM who raised the 4 sisters MoleSisters.

My mom’s name is Damiana but oftentimes called AMY. She was one of the most beautiful ladies in her town in Batangas City during the 70s. She got long wavy hair, wore dresses and high heals, had long legs, slim body and a nice looking face.She was the youngest girl of 10 siblings of 5 boys and 5 girls . Getting a degree during those years was tough , however my mom managed to get into 2 big universities , Women’s University and University of the East where she finished her degree in Commerce. She used to teach young kids. But being a typical Filipina during that year , she preferred to be a stay home mom when she started giving birth to the eldest which is my Ate Joan.

My mom always have high dreams for us so while she supported me most of the times , she always disagrees with the my choices of men. My first boyfriend I had in college was someone she disliked so I had to secretly meet him elsewhere . He told me he was sending me letter that I never received, calling me on phone and even went to our house but my mom always kept me away from him . He told me he felt being humiliated and looked down. My mom never spoke about it and I never asked . The next boyfriend I had at work broke my mom’s heart and it was the first time I saw her cry in front of a visitor and I was devastated to see her cry when I introduced him. I respected her reasons. My choice of men was not really great and I understood ! For my mom , i deserve the best and her motherly instinct could tell if this man will hurt me or will break me.

At 59, my mom had a vehicular accident where her right leg had undergone surgery and a titanium metal had been placed to fix the broken bone. It was devastating to the family. She had to go for a year of physiotherapy to recover and to be able to walk again.

Mom’s resilience was put to the test once again when my dad suffered a stroke in 2018, leaving him paralyzed and requiring constant care. My mom, who considered my dad her best friend and partner in life, stood by his side through it all, proving that love knows no bounds.

Despite the challenges she has faced, my mom remains a pillar of strength for our family. Her unwavering love, loyalty, and friendship are qualities that I admire and strive to emulate every day. She is the embodiment of what it means to be a mother – selfless, caring, and always putting her family first.

This is our mother’s amazing story and we’ll love to hear yours (-:

Happy Mother Day!

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